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Warhorse Training Room
Etiquette / Rules

Yeah this is the boring part of training or martial arts, any questions please ask.

Read these with a happy & open mind!

Here at Warhorse Training we are real people that create an environment of fun, respect, discipline, honesty, togetherness, safety & support.

But Why?

The following is a list of rules that are designed to eliminate any unnecessary danger, damage or disrespect that may arise while training in the Warhorse Training Room. It is mandatory that each student read, understand and follow these rules

PT Rules are based on an individual biases | Gym Etiquette below Marital Arts Etiquette

<Please don't stress all will be explained face2face & the Etiquette is different depending on what service you choose>


Martial Arts Etiquette / Rules

•Always show respect toward the club and its equipment.


•All guests must remain in the main seating/reception/allocated safe area.


•All students will use proper etiquette and vocabulary while in the Training Room.


•Respect must be shown toward the instructor, fellow classmates, and guests at all times.


•Always address the instructor with the appropriate title; Sensei / Sempai or Sifu, while in the Training Room.


• Appropriate or MAASIF approved footwear / No footwear to be worn in the Dojo/Training Room other than specific martial arts shoes designed for Training Room wear. Please discuss with your instructor e.g. some premises do not allow black-soled shoes.


•Always bow in and out of the training area.

_Kneeling Bow: Palms should touch the floor to show deep respect. Bow at the waist, taking a little longer than for a standing bow (forehead comes close to the floor, but does not touch it). Slide your hands back up to their initial position on the thighs, this time with the left hand slightly behind the right hand._

_Standing Bow: hands rested just in front of the waist at waste height, Knuckles clenched, palms facing downwards to show deep respect. Stand with heels together, feet pointing slightly outward (like a “V”). Keep knees straight; elbows straight and relaxed; hands open and at the seams of your pants (the outside of your legs); fingers together. Bend at the waist, about 20 degrees forward. Unbend_


•Arrive in class on-time as to not to disturb the previous client, and to respect Sensei's time.

If you cannot be in class when it starts please discuss it with the instructor.


•Leaving class early, without permission is unacceptable without a discussion before. (No Walk Outs)


•All students will wear the proper uniform/clothing to class.


•All uniforms/clothings must be clean and free of tears, rips or stains.


•Personal cleanliness is essential. 


•Please attend to all aspects of personal hygiene: Fingernails and toenails must be kept short, deodorant must be worn, breath must be clean and excessive make-up, perfume/cologne is not recommended.


•No Jewelry is allowed to be worn during class unless authorised. Any Jewelry which cannot be removed should be covered to remove the threat of sharp edges etc.


•No eating or smoking is permitted in the Dojo/Training Room.


•No extreme or disrespectful horseplay is permitted in the Dojo/Training Room or while on the mat.


•Students will only use techniques outside the Dojo/Training Room as a means of self-defense. With permission of parents or household guardians.


•Techniques will not be shown to non-members. Without proper training, these skills may be improperly used.


•Any person acting in a behavior that is not becoming of a martial artist may have their membership terminated.


•Memberships that are not kept up-to-date will become void and all training privileges will be discontinued.


•When performing a technique, bow and touch gloves to your partner before engaging. Once gloves has touches you can engage instantly.

This will ensure that your partner is ready to participate. Wait for a response!


•Bow to the instructor after demonstration of a technique with a verbal confirmation of “osu”


•Spatial Awareness: Before executing a sweep or throw, make sure the mat/area is clear. Where there is no mat, support your partner to lessen or remove any impact with the floor.


•Give the person performing the technique constant feedback, protect your own safety.


•Pre-existing or health conditions must be declared to your instructor and communicated to your partner, where necessary.


•No real weapons in the Dojo/Training Room ever (Knives, Swords, etc.)


•Be aggressive in your skills but not toward your partner; do not be overly competitive.


•If you are injured or are feeling pain, tell the instructor immediately.


•All blood must be sanitized; use the first aid kit to cover all open wounds before class and as they occur.

We are all responsible for each other’s safety so all students must watch out for each other. You are accountable for your actions and health.


•Wellness checks will be conducted throughout each class to support health & safety.


•Work at your own pace.

Warhorse Training Room Etiquette / Rules
-The Do's & Don'ts!

All gyms have rules relating to what you should & shouldn’t do whilst you are working out or taking part in a class. These are in place to help ensure everyone can relax & enjoy their environment.

Our Warhorse Training Room may be a rough & ready / spit & sawdust / real type of training environment. However we have some rules too....

Just a few gym etiquette guidelines we think help make our Training Room / Training Environments effective, friendly & fun places to be for everyone.

1. Be kind to other members
We want all of our members to enjoy using our facilities & to feel relaxed when exercising in a class, using the gym equipment or facilities. Try to think about other people & remain calm & patient if you see something that you feel needs addressing. Always feel free to talk to a member of staff about anything you see & they will be happy to assist you.

2. Wear the proper footwear and clothing for the gym and classes
This is really important if you want to make sure you avoid injury whilst working out. Many footwear shops now have specialist fitters & even gait analysis to ensure you get the right supportive footwear for the exercise you are planning to take part in. Flip flops and espadrilles are a definite no-no! In terms of clothing, there are great fitness ranges now available in local supermarkets & departments stores, plus a whole host of online options. Do some research before choosing clothing you will feel comfortable in and that is not restrictive. Ask advice if you would like recommendations for the service you have chosen.

3. Put equipment back after use
Help us keep the facility clean, tidy & safe for all, by re-racking your weights & putting equipment such as medicine balls, kettlebells & functional training attachments back where they belong. That way no-one can trip over anything left on the floor, & the equipment is ready for another person to use for their session.

4. Use the designated areas to store your belongings – not the floor
If all our members left their bags on the floor - we would be in chaos! 

Help us by making sure all of your belongings are safely positioned in the allocated areas. That way all members are safe from trips & falls during the intense training in our Training Room. - just ask for details on allocated areas.

5. Respect our team- they are here to help!
Please remain calm & patient with our team members, they will do their very best to ensure your queries are resolved as quickly as possible. They are here to help!

6. Share the equipment fairly YGIG (You Go, I Go!)
At busy times we occasionally have queues for certain popular items of equipment. At these times we would ask that you complete your repetitions & then let someone else use the piece of equipment, whilst you are in the rest phase.

7. Wipe the kit down after use
Our Training Room equipment is cleaned daily. However, to make sure the pieces of equipment are in an acceptable state for the next person to use, we ask all members to wipe down the equipment after use. This includes any handles, Shot-puts, Discuss... & any area where you can see perspiration plus the seat area. In this way, it helps make the equipment last longer & makes using the Training Room more enjoyable for everyone.

8. Shout, sing or grunt loudly. Have fun, Hulk Smash Weight in allocated safe drop points only!
We can all get a bit carried away sometimes, when we try pushing oursleves to the limit. Here at Warhorse Training everyone wants to hear grunting & moaning, or even someone singing loudly along to the music enjoying themselves. We want you to have fun & enjoy a successful workout, but please consider other people around you in the process! Be aware of how others are perceiving this & adjust accordingly. However, DON'T STOP! Your Safe Place Should Never Be Silenced!

By taking note of these gym etiquette guidelines, our members & guests can help us to ensure they have the best fitness experience!

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